Calendar Wizard
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Step 8.1. Font and color settings.

Each group of calendar elements (year title, month name, weekdays titles etc.) has the following layout properties:

  1. Font name
  2. Font style
  3. Font size
  4. Text color
  5. Cell background
  6. Text orientation (either horizontal or vertical)

All available groups of elements will be shown in a tree. Here is the complete list of available groups of elements:

'Holidays' and observances' and 'Weekdays' may have sub-groups. These sub-groups keep the parent's layout properties, thou that some properties can be changed.

To add a sub-category to a group you need to right-click the needed group and select the [Add] command in the pop-up menu that will appear. To remove the sub-category select [Remove] in the same pop-up menu.

Sub-groups of 'Weekdays' are required to define the layout of some days in a month (like each Sunday, 1st Monday, last Saturday).

Step 8.2. Setting holidays and observances.

A database of Holidays and Observances is fully editable which means you can add, edit and delete its items.
Click "Add" to add a new date to the list or "Edit" (either double-click a date line in the list) to edit and the Date editor window will pop up.

If the current sub-group should not be different from the other days you should check the corresponding option. Holidays and Observances list will be save only if the next step is completed.

It is possible that some days will fall into different categories. In this case the priority is given to Holidays over Common days. In case with different sub-groups of the same group of elements, the priority is given to the elements that are positioned higher in the tree.